This business is so frustrating but I'm not going to let it beat me. Defeat to something you love is a weakness and its really easy to just throw in the towel. Looking for work is crazy but there are great places that can assist you on your journey like mandy.com and if you went to a school ask if they have a job website or were the best places for work is. Once people use you, hopefully you've left a great impression because they will call you again.
I grew up with very little resources but fortunately I have a great backbone just in case work collapses. My main resource is my older sister, she has become my punching bag, my guidance, my energy and let me just say I'm not the best person to deal with when I'm down and out. "Who is?" No, i definitely put the icing on the cake when it comes to my sister. Thank god she pretty much is in the same field that I am in, ENTERTAINMENT. She is an actress, writer, producer; you name it she's doing it or has done it. Even she has her struggles, so when I seem to be bitching about what to do, I instantly check my self because to build a structure there has to be a base of foundation.
So maybe the whole thing about life is to learn from others and work as hard or harder for what you dream. I feel like I woke up out of my blurred vision about two years ago and everything in life has tend to fall together with out worrying about it. Except minor issues, but we wont go in that direction. But career wise I have never been more focused and I'm happy to have a great sister to learn from. If she's reading this she might think I've become soft, but I think I'm a bit older and wiser.
To get a idea of my sisters work check out Hesterhouseproductions.com, she always has some new project brewing. A play or a film she's got her hands in there. There's also a picture of her above, this picture was taking for a carnival feel, for a Hesterhouse promotion card.
Take care and see you on top,
Meagan Hester
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